Many people that have heard of Pilates equate it to exercises that strengthen the core. Which is true! Pilates strengthens the core and tones muscles, improves posture, provides flexibility and balance, unites body and mind and creates a more streamlined shape. Pilates exercises provide all of these benefits and the core is where the exercises are initiated. Your arms and legs will certainly be working as well, however, the main focus will be the core.
What is the Core?

A common misconception is that the core only consists of your abdominal muscles or the torso. The torso encompasses the space starting from beneath the skull and continuing down to the bottom of the buttocks. The core is contained in the torso, but it is not the entire torso. The core of the body is the major muscles that reside in the midsection of the body: abdominals, lower back, hips, pelvic floor and buttocks.
Why is the core important?
A strong core, helps the body move more functionally. The muscles of the core are important because they provide stability, support the spine and the pelvis in all movement and help you balance and provide postural control. When the core is weak it can be difficult to maintain proper posture and can result in injury. When these muscles are weak other muscles become tight to try and stabilize the hips and back. Many people experience backache and hip pain as a result.
Being highly organized and detail-oriented at work is like have a strong core.
Working on several projects, having a folder for each one each you organized. The folders must be up to date with all the correct paperwork as well as detailed notes of each part of the project. In doing this, when the boss asks for an update or wants to move in a different direction with the project you can do so more quickly and efficiently.
If the folders are not organized, it will take time to get them up to date and delay a response to the boss. This is less efficient.
If the abdominals, lower back, hips, pelvic floor and buttocks (the core) are strong and working in harmony this leads to a better balanced and stable body. You can use your limbs more freely throughout daily activities and your body is more functioning.
If my core is weak, the body will be less efficient and it may lead to poor posture and back pain, it can take longer to perform daily activities, as well as affect your balance.
What do I need to do to get a stronger core?
Contact me today to start your journey to strengthen your core through Pilates.
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